January 29, 2022

A Snowy Day

It is snowing, and it is lovely – fat flakes floating down, covering the grass, transforming the common, beautifying the world outside my windows. For my family, here in the South on a Saturday, this is a treat. We will be indoors except for feeding the animals, staying warm by the fire, waiting for reports from kids who will manage, somehow, to go sledding. But for my friends and former neighbors in New England, this storm is a different story. There, they have dangerous cold, heavy snow, strong winds. And there are many who cannot stay home: snow plow drivers, police officers, fire fighters, health care workers, and more. 

How you interpret an event often depends on where you sit. For those who can sit inside, a snow storm is wonderful.  It is a delight for those who rarely experience it and get to choose whether to stay in or go out and play. But that same snow can be a trial and a danger to others. I give thanks today for all who brave the elements to protect and care for others. I grieve for those who are unhoused. I rejoice for the children who will bundle up and play outside. And I know that I have the privilege of being warm and well-fed, staying inside, watching the flakes fly.

And next week, the forecast is for temps in the 70s.....


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