February 3, 2022


Five years ago today, I locked the door of my little house in Connecticut, got in my car, and drove to North Carolina – came home. It was a long trip, both that day and the whole journey of my life. I have traveled far from the farm in the South. I have learned a lot, seen a lot, grown a lot. But somehow through all of it, this farm, this place, has always been home. I always knew I would come back when I retired. And I knew it would be different from my growing up because I am different. 

In these five years, I have raised chickens, kept bees, pastored two churches, become a Master Gardener, remodeled a farmhouse, cooked more than 2000 meals, made three quilts, and learned anew the precious love of family. I have learned to sleep past 4:30.  I have doctored a horse, fed the goats, and kissed a dog goodbye.  These have been good and holy days.  And here’s to more sweet days and years to come!


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