February 27, 2023

Happy Birthday, Baby Brother!

I remember the day you came home from the hospital. Mama was in the front bedroom (which is now mine) in bed with you nestled in beside her. I was so excited to meet you! I remember running to the kitchen and back to bring a glass of water to Mama, but maybe to you! And I loved you with an undying love. Until at about six months old…. when you pulled the eye off my teddy bear! And Jane and I put you in our doll cribs and played with you like you were a baby doll. And then we had you join in our elaborate “Judy and Sandra” and “Miss Lane and Miss Vane” games. You were either Tommy (our child?) or our dog. You didn’t care – you just played with us! 

We have had lots of adventures over the years (some that involved stitches and switches!) and they have not ended. We love you, baby brother, and give thanks for your life!


February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday

This is my land that I hold in my hand. 
But not mine – rather all who came before – 
 known to me and natives here eons ago. 

And not mine but all who come after – 
unknown to me – 
 ones I cannot instruct or control who will do as they will with this dirt, this place. 

May it grow food and flowers for them; 
 ground them in grass wet with dew; 
 harbor earthworms; 
 hatch dragonflies; 
 form a basin for puddles when it rains a century from now. 

May it form a basin for me, 
when I lay down my ashes, 
 when I live out the prophecy of ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 

May I become one with this land, this earth, this dirt. 

May my soul, spirit, dirt 
nourish generations to come, 
those I do not know and never will. 

And yet they will know me 
and they will hold me in their hand. 

I will be part of the land – theirs and mine.


February 19, 2023

January 30

January 30 was a lovely day, warm and sunny.  I looked out the kitchen window and saw that the first breath of spring was blooming.  It is a lovely shrub that puts out small white flowers with the sweetest fragrance, very, very early in the year.  So I cut branches and brought them inside.

January 30 was also the day my sister-in-law died.

First breath of spring, and last breath of Janet.

Rest in peace, sweet sister.  We love you.